2 Sure Fire Ways to Attract the Love You Desire! And Save $25 on a Love Tarot Reading!

When it comes to Love always approach it from your Higher Self & be open to Spontaneity! 💖💖💖
Dating in this day and age is rough to say the least… the social distancing due to Covid 19 🦠😷along with the endless swiping on dating apps📱, just to get 2 word responses or a unsolicited body part photo 💁🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️… is both mechanical and empty. So energetically, and spiritually speaking, how would I, a Doctor that works primarily with energy systems (via the Tarot and Acupuncture) suggest you attract and manifest love! There are 2 key suggestions I will make!
First, focus on what lights you up💡! Now, I am talking about your passion, special interests, hobbies, and spiritual practice. I feel deeply that if we are connected and actively participating in what ignites our Spirit we magnetize our Spirit and our Heart becomes a flame❤️🔥! It is this Fire that attracts others! So whatever resonates with your Higher Self, whether it be Yoga 🧘🏽♀️ , art 🖼 , dancing Salsa 💃🏻 , or meditating at a Buddhist ☸️ retreat it is this connection with oneself that opens the heart 💞 to meeting the right partner. Also we have the opportunity to meet someone at these activities who also enjoys participating in them and who you can connect with by sharing the same passion ❤️🔥.
Second, I would say, be open to spontaneity and synchronicity 🌀✨. Have you ever had the experience when you are in the shower and you think about someone and that you should connect with them soon. Upon exiting the shower and checking the phone you see that friend has called! It would seem to be a coincidence or chance occurrence, but is in fact a synchronicity 🌀✨. I like to think of these Magickal, meaningful, mishaps as glitches in the Matrix that help us stay aligned to our spiritual path 👼 . They are away our Higher Self or Holy Guardian Angel guides us. Well, say you call that friend back and they invite you to go to a Jiu Jitsu class 🥋 , and you are not so sure, but curious, and could honestly use a little adventure 🌀✨. This is a great time to be both spontaneous and pursue a synchronicity because who knows what connections you might make in Jiu Jitsu class! You could meet your life partner! 💞💞💞
The real key 🗝 in both cases is to put yourself out there by following the Universe’s messages, and trusting your inner voice of your Higher Self 👼! This is a Magick combo! Also, if you want to know more about attracting the Love you desire, please feel free to contact me for a Valentine’s Love Tarot Reading and find out how to SAVE $25! 💖🎴🎴🎴💖
In Service,
Dr. Bianca Cyr Waxlax, DAOM