Congrats to ALL 2018 Graduates!!! For this Month of June you can SAVE 15% OFF ALL Tarot Card Readings!!!
Graduation marks a transitional time in life. It can be a crossroads on our spiritual and physical journey. It can be an initiation into a new stage of being! A time where the Universe or World Tarot Card Transitions back to the beginning, the Fool! But the Fool is the Hero! He is the innocent and naive child who takes a leap of faith into life. In our culture the Fool is thought of as negative as we don’t want to be perceived as foolish or an idiot, fall or make a mistake. We would like to make the right decision and always take all of the right steps. But in life we find that even “wrong” steps and perceived “failures” were all necessary to come to the point where we stand today!
Personally I have graduated 3 times. The first from Gardner High School, the second with a degree in Communications from Boston University, and the third time from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine with a Masters degree in Acupuncture!
I have used all of my education in my life. But maybe not in the traditional ways society or my parents wished I had. I have used high school to launch myself into adulthood, my communications degree to write and launch my own business and website, and I have used my degree in Acupuncture and energy medicine to develop bedside manner in dealing with my clients and better tune myself to perceiving the energies that surround a patient or a client during a Tarot Card Reading.
Of course people wondered what I was at with my Tarot Cards, and my spiritual, and occult studies, but I was carving my path and following my bliss! There is certainly a difference between job, career, and calling! Sometimes you will have a job or career, but I encourage everyone to continue to follow their True Will and Calling. It is the spark and passion that keeps you alive, vital, human, and connected! It is the way we continue to create as Co-creators here and pay homage to the Universe for the spark of divinity and lifetime has gave us!

This is my youngest cousin Max at his Highschool Graduation! Congratulations Max! I am so proud of YOU! 🎓🎉🎊🎈
My journey has had a lot of cross roads, detours, hills, marathons, and strolls. My destination is reached daily with each step and is called following my bliss. I have had hard times, and sadness where I have lost my way in the woods but my beacon of light has always been my intuition, my gut, higher-self, higher power, or Holy Guardian Angel. Some of the darkest nights of my soul have dawned upon a time of perfect happiness and understanding.
So whether this is a time of celebration and excitement for you or a time of confusion I encourage you told hold it like a crown. To see each moment of your life as a space where you can be the King or Queen of your Kingdom/Queendom.
The Tarot and practice of Qabalah has allowed me to see deeply into my life. It has provided the stepping stones where there were perceived stumbling blocks and gave me a road map to chart my way! I am here as a tour guide at this particular beginning for you, at your graduation time! Let’s see what this Summer and new stage of life will bring. Where will you go? Will you establish a career or follow your calling? Will you find love? Or will you go on a new journey all together? Let’s explore!
Also you can have me Read Tarot Cards at your Graduation Party! Enjoy Tarot Readings with your friends that are also Graduates too!

Are you having a Graduation Party? have Yours Truly Read Tarot Cards for YOU and Your Friends!
Right now for the month of June all graduates can get 15% Off All Tarot Card Readings for the month of June! Congratulations at making it this far! And I support you following your happiness!
In Service and Light,