Discover What Beltane Has in Store for Your Growth with 10% Off a 60 Minute Tarot Reading! Happy May Day!

Happy Beltane and May Day! Enjoy 10% Off a 60 Minute Tarot Reading through May 3rd!
Beltane is a Gaelic holiday that is celebrated on April 30th or May 1st. Sometimes it is more commonly known as May Day! It marks the midpoint between the Vernal Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It is a celebration that encourages fertility and growth. In Irish tradition it has marked the beginning of summer when the cattle were driven out to the pastures. Rituals performed were focused on protecting the livestock and crops. Also Beltane falls under the Zodiac sign Taurus that represents a bull! Often May Day celebrations are highlighted with dancing around the May Pole, symbolically thought to be the axis mundi around which the Earth revolved. The May Pole dance is a dance where long ribbons are woven by the dancers as they move around the pole.
In celebration of Beltane and May Day I will be offering 10% off all 60-minute Tarot Readings through May 3rd so you can focus on your personal growth in regard to love, relationships, finance, and happiness. What do you want to grow in your life? What areas of your life would you like to see evolve? What will your harvest time look like? See what the Universe and the Tarot suggest you do to harness your growth today! I would be happy to give you a Reading and answer all of your questions with the Tarot!
Happy Beltane,