Do you focus on “Tension-Relieving” or “Goal-Achieving” Activities?
Tension Relieving or Goal Achieving?

It is said that addiction is an escape from reality at all costs. Meanwhile, good mental health is a commitment to reality at all costs…
It was brought to my attention that humans respond to most stimuli in life in two ways. One is through relieving tension or stress in the moment. And the other is through focusing on a long term goal and reaping the rewards of their efforts into the future.
Now, I have to say that most of humanity suffers from addiction. Whether it be alcohol, or sugar, or cell phones, or cigarettes, or social media, or sex, or drugs, or gaming there is some “fix” for everyone. And the short term pleasure or relief will always result in an escalation of pain.
The most acceptable addictions in our culture are workaholism: the belief that the perfect job of the perfect amount of money will make you perfectly happy. A second “acceptable addiction” is workoutaholism: the belief that the perfect set of abs will make you perfectly happy. The third “acceptable addiction” is love (or sex) addiction: the belief that the perfect lover will make your life perfectly complete.
Well, those folks who are able focus more on “goal achieving” and the future experience more happiness, peace, contentment, and self-esteem. Not only because self-esteem comes from esteemable actions (not esteemable thoughts), but also because long term goals tend to be more balanced and whole-some then instant relief.
So lately, as I go about my day I ask myself these questions as I embark on certain activities. When it comes to work, working out, mothering, eating, my own compulsions, and my business I ask myself, “Is what I am doing now tension relieving or goal achieving?” I watch, and then proceed from there. It is a great exercise in mindfulness and mindful living.
A Tarot Card Reading can actually be a mixture of both Tension Relieving or Goal-Achieving… It can give you some peace of mind in regard to a stress you might be feeling and allow you to focus on things from a broader and more objective perspective, meanwhile you can also ask the Tarot how to best achieve your goals! So, instead of disconnecting from the present a Tarot Reading can help you connect to your reality and goals in a deeper and more deliberate way!
Try it and let me know your results!
In Service and Light,