Find Your True Love for Valentine’s Day by Following Your Bliss! Also Save $16.66 on an Hour Love Reading!

By practicing your True Will and following your Bliss you are more likely to find your perfect match!
Valentine’s Day is coming and consumerist America has had us thinking about it since the day after Christmas. I stopped by my local Wal-Mart on December 26th, and was surprised yet not surprised to see all of the Valentine’s Day gifts, decorations, and cards were already out! It is roughly four weeks before Valentine’s Day now, and I have decided to write about what love ultimately means to me!
Many people have different points of view or perspectives about love which range from “love at first sight”, “soul mates”, “twin flames”, “the One”, and even arranged marriages. But the Law of Thelema teaches us that “true love” is practicing and living by one’s “True Will” and allowing other’s, thus our friends, lovers, and family members the freedom to do the same!
According to the numerical science of gematria both the words Thelema (Will) and Agape (Love) add up to the number 93. Often times you will see me write 93 in my blog posts and social media updates and what I am essentially saying is a short version of the Thelemic greeting “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will.” As a salutation the first person will say “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law” and the second person or group of people would respond by saying “Love is the Law, Love under Will.”
Now, I like to imagine and practice as best I can this basic philosophy of Thelema. If each person is able to follow their divine nature, their true calling, answer the call of their Holy Guardian Angel (HGA), and be their best self, and they also allowed their loved ones to do the same, we could all live honestly, without false expectations, and from a more evolved perspective.
Now, to be clear. “Do what thou wilt.” Is different than just doing what you want. Doing your divine will is akin to following your “Divine Path” or “Higher Calling”. Practicing this law allows each individual to cultivate their “Highest Selves” and if each of this followed our own calling in this fashion we could live in a much more loving, inspired, and evolved society. Jungian psychologist Joseph Campbell referred to this as following your bliss.
These days, my goal is to follow my bliss daily and live my True Will with all of the Love I can muster! I can share this with all of you by giving you Tarot Reading from my heart of hearts, from a deck that is not only my absolute favorite deck, but the deck designed by the man who created the aforementioned quote. I would be happy to guide you this Valentine’s Day season to pursue Love and follow your bliss by practicing your True Will! I also wish that all of you may have a Love that does the same so that both of you can enjoy the best of each other!
Please contact me to get $16.66 off an hour long Valentine’s Day Tarot Reading in honor of Valentine’s Day, Crowley, Love, and your True Will. Hour long couple’s Readings will be 10% Off until February 14th, 2018. I am also offering 10% Off all Couples Readings too!
Love and Light,