Happy Gay Marriage to ALL!!! Celebrate with 10% Off ALL LOVE Tarot Readings!

Let’s Celebrate LOVE and equal marriage rights with a Bohemian Tarot Reading! Get 10% OFF ALL LOVE Readings!
Today marks a very special and magical day for me personally and for many, many other same-sex couples across the U.S.A. who have been finally granted their right to marry by the Supreme Court! Same-sex marriage is a constitutional right!!! Woooohoooo!!! This is a great day for Civil Rights and the LGBTQIA community, and I know that my brothers and sisters will be “out and about” celebrating this weekend!
In order to take part in the festivities and celebrate the LOVE Bohemian Tarot will be offering 10% OFF ALL LOVE READINGS through July 1st!
After a decade long fight for equal marriage rights we have prevailed! Let’s celebrate, enjoy, and love, because Love is LOVE!
In Service and Love <3,