How to take the first steps in creating a Summer Time Love Spell.

Learn the steps to create a Summer Time Love “Spell” NOW!
I love taking words and really looking into them. Exploring their deeper meanings and connections with other words in our English language.
As a “WITch” and occultist I commonly talk and make”WITty” jokes about the word “spell”,… um yeah, go figure!
Well, a simple “spell” can be anything from a Statement Of Intention, a basic business plan, or even, ta da, a grocery list!
And how do you create your “basic spell”? You focus your intention and essentially use various combinations of 26 familiar symbols (a.k.a. the alphabet) and you “spell” that SHIT out!
So, we “wRITE” out our “spell” like a Ritual! And then stuff manifests! WOW! What a fucking concept!
AND remember my darlings that every book we have ever read has always been different combinations of the same 26 symbols…which then transmits an expression of consciousness from one mind to another!
How have we as a culture become sooooo out of touch with our language. We largely conduct everything in life with our language, via the symbols of our alphabet, with tools such as social media, emails, legal contracts, and street signs. Yet spells and magick are hocus pocus… ha whatevs, think again!
Let’s dig deeper and use our writing to “spell” out clearly what we want and see how our plan manifests! I mean… come on why do grocery lists work so damn well!!!?
So, ok MAGIcians! Let’s use our I-MAGI-nations and see what we be-come and be-get! Dig it?
But I have digressed,… let’s move back to Love! So, may I ask… What does ideal love look like to you? And let’s begin!!!
STEP #1 – Write out a list of qualities that you need in your ideal romantic life partner and lover. Some that come to mind might be…
1. Honesty
2. Mutual Sexual Attraction
3. A Career
4. Intelligence
5. Excellent Communication
6. Healthy Emotions
7. Family Values
8. Spiritual Practice
9. Kind and Compassionate
10. Generous
STEP #2 -Now for me personally I would get more specific and extrapolate on what else I desired! And remember “de-sire” is fantastic! It means “of the father” or of God. So channel your divine “desire” into your “Spell” deliberately, and keep on “spelling” it out! For me I would add…
A – someone that had a deep, healthy, and experimental sexuality
B – someone that is following their True Calling.
C – communication needs to be on fleek and they must LOVE books***
D – emotional intelligence (or EQ) must be on point as well!
E – they will have to love kids and furry kids too!
F – have a strong, preferably Buddhist and Occult spirituality
G – genuine compassion, kindness, and generosity is also HUGE
H- oh, and might I add introspctive!
I – AND Self-Reliant!
J – Good taste in music! Namely metal, goth, industrial, gypsy, and rock music.
K – Now truth being told there are other things I would ask for here but I am trying to keep this more G rated…
This might seem like a TALL order, but the person that knows what they want, gets what they want!
Also, this might be an experiment to see if I put this bloggy “spell” here out on the inter web, what I might manifest!
STEP #3 – NEXT! Call me and I will help you to design a custom, all your own, magickal Talisman or Sigil for you to use and imprint on the unconscious mind of the Universe! 619-929-4092! Hit me uP and let’s get Started!
In Service & Love,
Bianca Waxlax