Imbolc, Valentine’s Day, and Aquarius!
I apologize for being MIA! I realize I have not blogged since the Fall and that is for several reasons…
1. Autumn is THE busiest seasoned the year for me because of Halloween. So, I am booked up with Tarot Readings, Fall Festivals, Halloween Parties, and Day of the Dead events straight through November 2nd.
And after all of that then Holiday Season Events are going hardcore through to New Years Day!
So… you know how some people get wiped out by the Holiday Season? Well, I have already reached a spiritual catharsis by Day of the Dead . So yea… I am REALLY tired and also blissed out because all of them Tarot Readings! How about them First World Problems?
2. I feel Halloween is the most PERFECT Holiday! I mean really, what other holiday exists where people can embrace the dark side, get sexy, harness their creativity, inner Hero, monster, or Villain then show up on their neighbor’s doorstep, after dark, with a mask on and get candy?! I mean how magical is that?
The hospitality of Thanksgiving and Christmas really pales in comparison… smh. AND people are constantly getting in family feuds, competing, with each other, debting on credit cards, drinking, and feeling depressed and sad. So many people feel lonely, left out, or inadequate during this Holiday season too. And it is even worse if you don’t have a relationship with your family or have had your dearest family members pass away.
So, honestly I would LOVE to make Halloween last from the Fall Equinox to the Winter Solstice. Ya know, from Libra, through Scorpio, right on through Sagittarius, until Capricorn!!! Why not? It would be a blast!
I mean sure, I celebrate the Winter Solstice and Yule and appreciate the colder and darker time of year, but the energy of the Christmas Season always just brings me down. Well, isn’t a girl allowed to have favorites?!!!
3. Inspiration! All, artists, creators, and entrepreneurs need to feel connected, intuitive, and inspired in order to create. And I guess after Dia De Los Muertos I just don’t feel inspired! Maybe it is sadness from missing my childhood. Or maybe it is the consumerism and insincerity of Thanksgiving and Christmas, let alone the hypocrisy. So, I love Yule. I dig my altar and a good Yule Log, cooler weather, and wearing my pea coat. I love pine cones, cinnamon, red and green candles and the fragrance of pine. I love warm beverages and snuggling. It’s not all bad, but just doesn’t rock my socks like the spookier time of year.

Get a Love Tarot Reading from NOW until Valentine’s Day for just $69.69!
During this time of year I do truly begin to feel inspired by New Years re-SOLutions and the Valentine’s Season of Love. Love to me is still a magickal and miraculous thing! Nothing that science can prove, but ultimately creates everything! I love sad songs, and love songs, profound lyrics and the magick of connecting in a true alchemical union. So, I am looking forward to Reading Tarot Cards about self-love and falling in love too! Yay for Valentine’s Day!!!

SAVE $33 on ALL Couple’a Love Tarot Readings through Valentine’s Day!
On January 20th, 2020 the Sun entered the sign of Aquarius. Aquarians are both independent and unique. They are unapologetic individuals who don’t want to be categorized, labeled, or placed into a group. They embrace change, evolution, and social justice. Many are activists and care about humanity at large. They can be quirky, creative, intelligent, analytical, sincere, and always action focused. They are also idealistic, can see the larger picture, and believe they are here to change the world. Sometimes Aquarians seem to not prioritize their individual personal relationships. They are go-with-the-flow, open minded, trusting, artists, and stylish. Truly unique and eccentric Aquarian’s are a lot of fun to be around!

Get A FREE Life Path Reading if you are an Aquarian who has purchased any other Bohemian Tarot Reading!
The Tarot Card that is sacred to Aquarius is The Star Card! In the Thoth Deck she is painted as the Star Goddess Nuit in hues of purple and blue. She is drawing the energy of the Universe and channeling it through her body and crystallizing it in the Earth! The message of The Star Card is “Every Man and Woman is a Star!” And when you think of stars that we see in the night sky, most of them are actually dead, but we still see their light. Therefore the leave a legacy behind.
In the same way we can think about what kind of
Legacy we want to leave behind to humanity. Or what impact we want to have on our family, friends, and community.
We want to surround our self with people that encourage our light to shine and don’t dim or discourage our shine. Our goal is then to bring the best part of ourselves to Humanity to light and shine our Highest Selves!
Also Happy Imbolc! Mid-Winter!

Imbolc marks the mid-point between Winter and Spring! And today in San Diego is is 81 degrees!
In Service,
Bianca (Bohemian Tarot)