Not all who wander are lost! Save 10% Off A School of Life Tarot Reading!

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Not all who wander are lost! Save 10% Off A School of Life Tarot Reading!
Throughout my spiritual journey I have found myself feeling lost at times, when I reach a different crossroads in my life. Personally, these crossroads have come for me at several different times in my life. For example, when I graduated high school or college, when I decided to move to the West Coast, when my father passed away, at the ending of a relationship, or when I became a mom. We all go through it, the real question is how do we use the transition to help us discover who we are evolving into in an even deeper way? How can we approach our present crossroads with curiosity as opposed to fear?
Right now many of us are starting a new school year, for example. Maybe it’s a new year at a familiar place or the beginning of our career at a university, or maybe we are starting a masters degree! Or maybe on the other hand we have finished our time at school and now it’s September again and we don’t know where the heck we are going!
What I do know for sure, is it is at these points in my life I have used the Tarot as an Oracle to help guide me on my new journey!
Some Tarot cards that may show up in a reading about the school of life could be the the Fool, the Hierophant, or even the Tower. The Fool represents a youth or a person at the beginning of a journey, not knowing where they’re going yet, but trusting that the Universe will guide their way! The Hierophant can represent a teacher, a spiritual guide, or the dean of schools. The Tower represents the old structure or ego that is hit by a bolt of lightning and needs to collapse so that one can build from within a new structure that suits them better! The Tower is the highest card for internal spiritual transformation in the Tarot deck!
Personally, as some of you may know, my new journey is being a mother. I would love to hear about your new journeys in the school of life I would love to help you see a new path and help guide you with the Tarot!
If you are interested in a A School of Life Tarot Reading I would be happy to guide you! Throughout the month of September I will be offering 10% off all School of Life Tarot Readings!
In Service and Light,