Pranks, Jokes, and the Fool in the Tarot!

The April Fool is represented in the Tarot as this lovely Fool Card!
April Fool’s Day is my favorite Holiday bar none! And for so many reasons that I will explain to you! First of all, it is absolutely in the depths of my soul and nature to enjoy practical jokes. When I was young I did anything from throwing donuts in the cat litter box or toilet bowl to lighting fireworks outside the bathroom when someone was using it! Oh, and I also liked dropping little bites of ice cream sandwiches out of 4 story building windows onto the people walking underneath. Childish, gross, and immature? YES!!! Absolutely! But the anticipation and pay off… so worth it!
The Fool is not just my most favorite card in the Tarot, but it is also a youthful archetype that lives deep within all of us! This archetype represents fearlessness, playfulness, innocence, and trusting the Universe will care for you in your adventures. Of course there are 2 sides to every coin though, and everything we encounter has both a yin and yang nature, and just like carrots, they are really good for you, but if you eat too many they can turn you orange! Eeeep! So, if we are careless, daydreaming, or living with our head in the clouds we could certainly get hurt. But on the other hand, living a restricted life, in fear and with no trust, can seriously cripple our spirit, and prevent us from experiencing our life and it’s adventures to the fullest.
Traditionally speaking, the Fool card is usually represented as a youthful vagabond character walking near the edge of the cliff, with a little dog following behind him. He looks careless and free, but very close to danger and falling. To a pessimist all they see is danger. To a Buddhist it looks like he is enamored by his surroundings and fully enjoying the moment. From a spiritual perspective even though he is at the edge of a precipice he trusts that the Universe will provide him with the next step even though he can’t see it right now. How we interpret the Fool Card has everything to do with how we feel in the moment, our fears, our hopes, and how we relate to the unknown!
Within myth and pop culture there are many examples of the Fool! Anything from the Greek Gods Pan and Dionysus, to Peter Pan, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Spider Man, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or Luke Skywalker, these heroes are fools, and these fools are heroes! Peter Pan is clearly the Fool of adventure and play. Dorothy goes on her little journey with her little dog trailing behind. Charlie seems so naïve, but has hope, and wins the Chocolate Factory. Spiderman is a youth who does things no one else would dare do and saves the day. And Luke Skywalker has taken the leap and is thus deemed “the Sky Walker.” The Fool lives in our myths, media, and unconscious and invokes our sense of fearlessness and fun!
So, it is April Fool’s Day today! Embrace your youthful spirit, play some pranks, enjoy Spring, let loose, laugh, take a risk, dare! Or at least try =)! I used it on my wife’s Mom!
Oh, and if you would like to take a “leap of faith” and see what the Tarot will reveal to you this Spring I would be more then Happy to read your Cards! Also, if you pull the Fool Card in your Reading I will give you a very special surprise! 😉
In Service and Fun,