Virgo New Moon! Tarot Reading 25% OFF an Hour!
It is a NEW MOON in VIRGO!!! 🌚♍️ Get 25% OFF 💸💸💸 a 60 Minute Tarot Reading 🌚♍️🎴🎴🎴♍️🌚 this Week! Book NOW! 📖🖋💸 Happy Virgo New Moon! 🌚♍️ Not only is the New Moon in Virgo 🌚♌️ but the Sun…
It is a NEW MOON in VIRGO!!! 🌚♍️ Get 25% OFF 💸💸💸 a 60 Minute Tarot Reading 🌚♍️🎴🎴🎴♍️🌚 this Week! Book NOW! 📖🖋💸 Happy Virgo New Moon! 🌚♍️ Not only is the New Moon in Virgo 🌚♌️ but the Sun…
Happy Litha or Summer SOLstice!!! 🌞🌊🏖🎇🎉 Today we celebrate the LONGEST day of the year & the beginning of SUMMER! How will you spend your day today? What are your plans for this Summer?! 🌞🌊🏖🐚🎆🌭🍉🏕🌌 Today I plan to honor…
I love taking words and really looking into them. Exploring their deeper meanings and connections with other words in our English language. As a “WITch” and occultist I commonly talk and make”WITty” jokes about the word “spell”,... um yeah, go…
What you say you want vs what you actually do!... Recently I was talking with a client that really wanted love in their life. They were a single mom of 2 teenage boys, and through the years they had made…
New Year’s ReSOLutions have honestly always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Most have to do with fitness and diet and a sort of binge and purge pendulum swing mentality. Some people will focus on health and their…
Graduation marks a transitional time in life. It can be a crossroads on our spiritual and physical journey. It can be an initiation into a new stage of being! A time where the Universe or World Tarot Card Transitions back…
Vibe with Your Tribe Many of us have heard of the concept of the “6 Degrees of Separation” or the idea that “We are the average of the 5 people we surround ourselves with the most”. The 6 Degrees of…
Not all who wander are lost! Save 10% Off A School of Life Tarot Reading! Throughout my spiritual journey I have found myself feeling lost at times, when I reach a different crossroads in my life. Personally, these crossroads have…
I can hardly believe that the first month of 2016 is almost over! So, from now until January 31st 2016, I would love to offer you 10% OFF all Tarot Readings! Let's discover together what the rest of 2016 might…
A Skype Tarot Reading is just as compelling as an in-person Tarot Card Reading because the querent can see the Cards they are choosing, actively participate in the process, enjoy the view, witness the lay out, and get close up…