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What Tarot IS! 1.) Tarot is a Symbolic Language! Tarot is a language of symbols, and a rich spiritual tradition that is meant to help guide you on your life journeys! The Tarot is steeped in Qabalistic, astrological, alchemical symbols, and archetypal…
Cyber Monday! 💸🎴🎴🎴💸 50% OFF ALL Tarot Readings! Regular Rates: 15 Min - 3 Cards - $45 —> NOW $22.50 30 Min - 1 Topic - $65 —> NOW $32.50 45 Min - 2 Topics - $85 —> NOW $42.50…
I just had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte 🎃✨ of the Fall Season from Dunkin’! And boy was it Magick! 🪄✨ I am so excited for this Fall & the Equinox that just happened on the 22nd of September &…
Dating in this day and age is rough to say the least… the social distancing due to Covid 19 🦠😷along with the endless swiping on dating apps📱, just to get 2 word responses or a unsolicited body part photo 💁🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️……
The upcoming New Moon on Monday, January 31st/February 1st it will be rocking’ in Aquarius 🌑♒️! Time to get crazy, fun, & embrace your weird & unique confidence! Because it is actually the 2nd New Moon in the month of…
So, are you freakin’ ready for this Full Ass Moon in Aries!!! ♈️🔥🔥🔥♈️ Being, an Aries myself, I can’t help but shout a hearty “Fuck Yeah! 🔥⚡️💥!!!”… but I personally have a bit of a conundrum because both my…

Happy Autumnal Equinox & Libra Season! 🍁⚖️🍂♎️🎃 Buy a 1 Hour Tarot Reading 🎃🎴🎴🎴🎃 & Get 15
Min. FREE!!! 💸💸💸
Harvest Moon in Pisces! The Harvest Moon of 2022 is a Full Moon that falls just 2 days before the Autumnal Equinox (9/22/21)🍁 which marks the 1st day of the Fall Season! Hello pumpkin spice everything 🍂🎃!!! Yaaaasss!!! The…
It is a NEW MOON in VIRGO!!! 🌚♍️ Get 25% OFF 💸💸💸 a 60 Minute Tarot Reading 🌚♍️🎴🎴🎴♍️🌚 this Week! Book NOW! 📖🖋💸 Happy Virgo New Moon! 🌚♍️ Not only is the New Moon in Virgo 🌚♌️ but the Sun…
The FULL MOON is in Aquarius 🌝♒️…! To honor the FULL MOON 🌕 I will be offering 3 Card Tarot Readings for JUST $29.99 this week! The Full Moon is a Excellent Time to charge uP⛽️, get Readings 🔮, practice divination…