Tarot Readings for when you are Hurt, Wounded, or Heartbroken! Save 10%.

We can learn how to use our pain to awaken!
Upon scrolling Instagram the other day I stumbled upon this quote that my friend and client Josey posted. She is an artist and a deeply introspective and self-reflective soul, certainly part of my “tribe”. I stopped for a moment, breathed and reflected deeply to where this quote took me. It reminded me so much of the writing of Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron where she encourages us ‘bodhisattvas in training’ to not harden, but soften our hearts, to embrace our wounds, and our common humanity with others. The fact is we ALL hurt. And we can use our hurt as an opportunity to connect with the moment, ourself, and all others who feel this same way. When one becomes a Buddhist you take refuge in the Triple Gem, which essentially means when things get difficult you take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma (the teaching), and the Sangha (the Buddhist community). Most people who know me think of me as pretty darn upbeat, gregarious, and quite positive. But, I have to admit like all others I can go into the dark sometimes, and somewhat often. The way I manage this is to realize that everything that happens (the “good” and especially the “bad”) is an opportunity for greater awareness and enlightenment, even the the most difficult stuff. There is a reason why Alchemists likes to talk about transmuting base metal into gold, and I find it to be a perfect metaphor for taking the stuff that feels like crap and allowing it to awaken us. There has never been a difficult time in my life that hasn’t helped me to continue to open and receive the gift of the moment. Of course at first the Ego kicks in saying “it’s not fair or right” but in the end I can’t argue with the Universe. So, I encourage you (and I) to hold the challenge, the pain, or the wound like a “crown” to see how all of our spirits might stretch and transform through the process. I also encourage you to take refuge in your spiritual practice and your community (or as I call it “vibe tribe”) to connect with others and share. Life is enriching, all of it. We all have the courage experience the fullness!