The Magical Meaning Behind the Christmas Colors Red and Green – Get 25% Off a Tarot Card Reading Until Christmas
The Holidays (holy days) have gotten me thinking about the moods of the Season (sea-son). Now most of you that know me well understand that I love delving into words. Holiday breaks down into “holy day” and meanwhile season breaks down to “sea and son.” Now it is obvious why Christmas is a holy day, but what about the word season? Could Jesus be the ‘son of the sea’? Well yes, in fact. His mother’s name is Mary, and the name Mary comes from words like, “mar, marina, and marine” so essentially the Sea. All of our bodies are mostly water. Water represents life, love, receptivity, reflectivity, the subconscious, and the unconscious mind. We find this symbolism in The Priestess Card in the Tarot which represents all of these things including the archetype of the Virgin Mary and other Mother Goddesses cross culturally.
Now, before I digress too far from what I came to do I want to talk about the colors of the Season. The colors red and green are the most represented during the Christmas Season.
In Qabalah, and on the Qabalistic Tree of Life the color red is sacred to Geburah which represents Severity, the warrior king, and the planet Mars. In regard to the chakras, red is sacred to the root chakra and represents ground, home, and the family.
Likewise, in Qabalah the color green is sacred to Netzach, which represents Victory, and is sacred to Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, the planet Venus, art and creation. Again, in regard to the chakras green is sacred to the Heart Chakra representing love.

Look closely, the Qabalistic Tree of Life and it’s Sephirah resemble the Christmas Tree.
I find it most fascinating that these two colors are the Christmas colors because the season is known to cause for some a lot of grief, sadness, family disputes, and fighting. For those who have suffered loss or have no family the Holiday season can be one of the most difficult times of the year. Addicts have a hard time not drinking and staying sober do to the stress of providing gifts or not having a family or beloved to spend time with. And it is even said that suicide rates are the highest during the holiday season.
Meanwhile, the color green represents Aprodite, the Goddess of Love, and Venus the planet of love. Society and the media encourages us all of spread love, compassion, sharing, and to extend our hearts and homes beyond our family to get into the Christmas spirit. We are encouraged to go to church and donate to the homeless and needy and spread the love which is wonderful! People even take part in arts and crafts making cards, decorating, and creating home-made gifts for their loved ones and friends. Also, let’s not forget that we are also encouraged to spend a lot of “green” to buy gifts too! People are generally encouraged to open their hearts during this time of year.
Furthermore, I would like to mention that the most loved tradition that most families have is to decorate a Tree with colorful bulbs which to me represents the Qabalistic Tree of Life with the Sephirah!!! At the center of the Tree sits Tiphareth, sacred to all sacrificial Gods such as Jesus, Mithras, and Osiris, and also represents the color gold, and the Sun.
So, might I ask you what you may do to make this Holiday Season the best? How might you open your heart, create, spread love, and expand your spiritual family. How will you ring in the New Year? For all of those that need a Tarot Reading or spiritual coaching during this season I am here to offer my services for you. Right now I am offering $25 off all 1 hour Tarot Readings until December 25th to honor the spirit of Christmas. Please reach out to me my Bohemian Vibe Tribe because this gypsy’s family is on the East Coast and I would love to share the spirit of the season with You!
In Service, Light, and Love,