The Priestess Tarot Card as a Subconscious Mind Tool!

The Priestess Card and The Tarot Reader becomes the embodiment of Unconscious Mind of the Universe!
The Priestess Card is an archetype that represents the Unconscious or the Subconscious mind of the Universe. Some of her main correspondences are the MOON and the OCEAN. And we know that the Moon’s gravitational pull effects the Ocean’s tides and ALL water. The average human body is roughly 60% water. So, if the Moon effects such enormous bodies of water like all the major oceans on Earth, there is no doubt that the energy of the Moon effects us humans as well.
I like to use the Ocean as a metaphor for the Universe as well! Thus, if each human can be compared to a drop of water in the vast Ocean of the Universe, likewise and microcosmically, we too can co-create along with the Universe using it’s same faculties. But if we try to control or fight it’s waves we might get totally knocked on our ass. Therefore it is best to learn how to “surf “ the flow of the Universe, and then we can see the Ocean of the Universe from a vastly different, fun, and enlightened perspective. What is true of the drop of water is true of the Ocean. And this little metaphor reveals a lot in regard to our power to create. Remember, that there is no part of you that is not of the Gods! As above, so below!
Other attributes of The Priestess Card are the Intuition, Sixth Sense, Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), our own Memory, and the Collective Unconscious Memory of Humanity. Also, to develop and increase one’s Intuition, (the higher knowing AND higher feeling) we can meditate on The Priestess Card.
It is said that our Intuition comes from the “gut” which is the “solar plexus” and is SO much more then just the intellect or a feeling. It is actually, kind of BOTH, a knowing and feeling at the same time! We know it in our heart, and feel it in our Spirit, AND also in our physical body too. Our Intuition also has an effect on our Autonomic nervous system. The Autonomic nervous system is the part of us that keeps our heart beating, lungs breathing, and eyes blinking without us consciously having to decide to execute these actions. Think about it, we never have to tell our heart to beat or our eyes to blink. It is the part of us that is deeply connected to Universal source energy, and therefore THE divine creative force, the Unconscious or Subconscious mind of the Universe, which ultimately gives life to and creates EVERYTHING that we know!
Another way we can use the Priestess Card is to strengthen our memory. If we meditate on her we can not only touch the unconscious memory of humanity but also strengthen our own conscious memory to strengthen life skills, and funny enough, kill it on our exams.
When I embody the Priestess while reading Tarot Cards I actually become her and am imbued by her energy. Just like the Dalai Lama or the Venerables, nuns, and monks at Buddhist Temples are living, breathing representations of the Buddha, I embody the living example of The Unconscious Priestess of the Universe. If the general public were just to identify with the Buddha through his statues, they would not be able to relate to him as directly as they do through the very human Dalai Lama. Through me, and my Tarot Readings my clients can relate directly to the Priestess, and feel safe, inspired and en-couraged to play with the primordial unconscious energy and create the life they imagine. I do this work to Serve as a symbol of the Priestess and her subconscious, and unconscious creative substance so that we may use it to deliberately and consciously create and mold the circumstances in our lives.
This is why I LOVE giving Tarot Readings! And I encourage you to call me and get a psychic Tarot Reading! I also encourage you to share stories with me about your experiences with the Tarot, and The Priestess card! Also, if you are interested in learning about the Tarot, hit me up!
In Service and Love,