Treat Your Mother Like an Empress on Mother’s Day with 20% Off a Tarot Card Reading!

The Empress Tarot Card is the One That Represents the Mother!
Happy Mother’s Day! So many changes are coming and I want to celebrate with you…
Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.
Mother’s Day is right around the corner! And to be honest I have been sort of MIA lately… I have been a wee bit out of it since Valentine’s Day. Of course I have still been doing many lovely Tarot Readings, but my energy has been sapped, and my writing is lagging! The reason being… is that I am preparing to become a first time Mom!!! I am presently 8 and 1/2 months pregnant, and I have been hit hard with you name it, morning sickness, massive food aversions, acid reflux, insomnia, fatigue, constipation (ewww!), swollen feet, and who knows what else could come! On top of that I have been getting kicked in the uterus many, many times per day! Already I can tell being a Mom is going to be a HUGE learning and loving experience, and I can only imagine what all of our Moms have been through while raising us! Children provide their parents with a lifetime of joy and love, along with a lot more. So, I wanted to take this time to honor all Moms for Mother’s Day for their strengths and overcoming their fears (for me, thats delivery!). So, if you are a Mother I am offering…
25% Off 60 Minute Phone Readings
20% Off 60 Minute In Person and Skype Readings
And for everyone else I am offering 10% Off 60 minute Tarot Readings through the month of May!
The Tarot Card that is most Sacred to the archetype of the Mother is the Empress Card, whereas the Father is represented by the Emperor. The Empress is the divine creatrix, and symbol of Mother Earth or Gaia. She is sacred to the planet Venus, the Goddess of Love. She is the creator of all things manifest! When one pulls the Empress in a Tarot Card Reading the archetype reflects on motherhood, mother conflicts that need to be resolved, creating and manifesting, love and nurturing, and becoming the Queen of your own Queendom. The Empress is a beautiful card for coming into your own feminine power, developing your strengths and overcoming your fears.
So, think about who are the Empresses in your life! And celebrate them! A Tarot Card Reading can be a great way to honor the Mothers in your life this season!
In Service,