Vibe With Your Tribe! | Happy New Year’s 2018 | Save $18 on a Hour Long Tarot Reading!
Vibe with Your Tribe
Many of us have heard of the concept of the “6 Degrees of Separation” or the idea that “We are the average of the 5 people we surround ourselves with the most”. The 6 Degrees of Separation is the idea that we are all connected by 6 or fewer steps to each other through being a friend of a friend of someone who connects us. Likewise, our life is said to be colored and effected largely by the 5 people we spend the most amount of our time with.
So, the question is who are you spending your time with? In other words, who is your tribe? Whether it be business associates, mentors, friends, and/or family, ask yourself how these people effect your vibe?
What business associates inspire you and invoke creativity and vision into your life?
Which friends give you support, positivity, and motivation or do they just ‘hang out’? (My Dad used to say to me ‘People who hang out just hang out.’)
Which family members lift you up or bring you down?
And do you have a mentor or a few mentors that you look up to in regard to family, health, and wealth?
These questions can be crucial in regard to you keeping your vibe positive, confidence up, and spirit motivated!
An exercise you can try is to thoughtfully consider the 5 closest people you have in your life and assess their effect on you in regard to health, wealth, relationships, family, and spirituality. The most positive folks you would rate a 10, and the least positive you would rate a 1. After assigning each with a number of positive effect, you could add the numbers together, and divide the sum by 5 to see what your own personal average vibe is! In order to modify your vibration and energy you will have to modify your “vibe tribe”
I remember reading that Napoleon Hill would imagine the likes of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Abraham Lincoln as part of his shall we say “vibe tribe.” When he had to make a difficult decision he would consult their wisdom within his inner vision and imagine the advice they would give him about the challenges he faced. Then he would make a business decision.
This gave me the wonderful idea to create a “vibe tribe” vision board, and make an inspiring collage of the people that I know and some people whom I don’t know (but look up to) in my life. In this way I could keep the wisdom and energy of the most motivating people in my life close to my vision and my heart, and consult their wisdom with a glance!
For instance, I can give you some examples of who is in my “vibe tribe”! Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, the Dalai Lama, Amy Porter, Ann marie Houghtailing, Ginger Hitzke, Loretta LaRoche, Louise L. Hay, now Tony Robbins, lately Sean Croxton, Elizabeth Caliva, Byron Katie, Steph Gaudreau, Robert Collier, Jen Sincero, and Rachael Hatton. Feel free to look the people in my “vibe tribe” up and see if you vibe with them too! The more positive vibes the merrier.
As my New Year’s Resolution for 2018, I want to make a more conscious effort to spend as much time as I can vibing with, growing with, and learning from my Tribe. I also want to expand my tribe too! In order to share the vibe with more folks I will be offering $18 off my 60 Minute Tarot Readings to show the love!
In Service, Light, and Love,
(619) 929-4092

You should surround yourself with the people you want to be like!