Your Body is Your Temple! And Self Love is Your Key!

Your Body is the Home of Your Spirit!
Self Love Starts with Self Care. Like a flower,… when you truly love a flower you don’t just pick it to admire, but you water and nurture it to express
your love, nourishment, and care.
Often people in the spiritual community want to just focus on the spiritual and ignore the more “boring” matter based things. But the fact of it is our matter is the home of our spirit.
Ideally, we want our spirit to have the best home and temple to reside in and that includes our body and physical environment.
So,… I developed an outline (below) for my fellow spiritual practitioners to utilize so that they may take care of their body and their temple while also getting down to business with their Spirtuality!
As the famous Hermetic axiom states, “As above, so below.”
Part A : Basic Matter-based self care.
1. Good Food with great nutrients & Water
2. Hygiene (shower, brush teeth, wash clothes, dental and doctor appointments, pediciures, etc)
3. Clean your home room, bed sheets, and clothes. Pay your bills. (Making your bed & honestly paying a bill daily feels great!)
4. Exercise at least an hour a day.
5. Take care of all health concerns that arise in a timely fashion. If you notice a tingling sensation in your fingers or a sore tooth it is important to consult a Doc or dentist as these challenges arise.
Again it is important that our body is the BEST conduit of spirit possible. Personally I like to use chiropractic, Chinese herbs, and Acupuncture, jogging, yoga, kettlebells, and green juice to take care of my health.
Part B: THEN Get Spiritual!
7. Do what you love! Pursue what lights you the fuck up! Follow what I call your “Yay”!
8. Follow your passions. Are you truly passionate about anything particular? For me that would be Tarot, the Occult, Chinese Medicine, dogs, yoga, and Buddhism.
9. Surround yourself with people who support you. In Buddhism they call this a Sangha. It could also be called a Tribe.
10. Express yourself: write, draw, dance, spin ideas and be you ultimately! Love, accept, and express YOU! Be confident in that you are a unique expression of the Universal mind and we all deserve to experience your expression.
11. Practice Spiritually! Find a spiritual practice that aligns with your “Way” and your “Yay”. My personal favorites are Thelma and Buddhism. I also love Chaos and Sigil Magick.
Part C: Daily Tarot Card! Pull a Power Card daily to see what kind of attention your Body, Home, and Temple may need and explore this for the day with your Power Tarot Card! Also contact me, and let’s talk about the results!
So, all in all I would say the foundation of self-love is self-care! So, as a modern spiritual gangster you might want to get right to all of the higher consciousness stuff, but remember your home and your body are literally your Magick temple! So, create an awesome, vibrant, and magnificent space for your Spirt to radiate it’s Way, Yay, and True Will!
In Service & Light
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